Ways to Improve Customer Experience in a Tesla

Stanford Lin
4 min readFeb 11, 2020

Suggestions to Improve Customer Experience on a Tesla

Being fascinated with Teslas, I found myself spending a lot of time watching review videos. Instead of watching hours of videos from owners, here are some of the things I’ve noticed that can be improved on Tesla’s software. Although I don’t currently own a Tesla and Tesla’s dashboard software is not open source, I think it’s important that spreading awareness could help and make Tesla better and their owners happier.

Super Charging Queue Implementation:

A big problem with popular superchargers is that people have to wait. While it may not be a big problem now, in the future, a queue implementation that’s calculated based on an ETA would save drivers lots of time from waiting in their car. They can be running errands at a nearby store while they are waiting their turn in the queue line or spend time with their family.

Better explained here: https://forums.tesla.com/forum/forums/supercharger-queue-management-community-app

Another potential solution is to be able to book out a spot to charge.

Mockups I created on Figma:

The queue could be tweaked to:

  • Allow people to allow the person behind to go ahead.
  • Use location to verify driver’s distance to the queue. If they are still far out, then the queue will automatically allow others to take their place
  • Select a specific spot or automatically give larger spots to vehicles who are towing things in the back

Inspired by:




The banner and many of the buttons should be customizable.

Reason: The homelink section is too far to the right, drivers have to reach really far to reach to open their garages/gates

Click on the battery icon to change between percentage, range left, and

Inspired by: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErE-UnQO-DE

Vehicle Configuration Synchronization:

If you’re on a road trip and your friend who also drives a Tesla might want to switch with you or when Tesla taxis roll out, they will probably still need a driver at the front. With that in mind, since Tesla drivers may be switching from car to car, wouldn’t it be nice to to walk into a car, login with your Tesla credentials and the car would readjust to the user’s configuration from the cloud?

Obviously the Model X and S would have different configurations, but the idea is still there. Drivers can have different profiles that can be saved.

Features that could sync:

  • Mirror settings
  • Dashboard configurations (if implemented)
  • Seat configuration
  • Web browser bookmarks
  • Car bluetooth settings
  • Units (imperial/metric)
  • Vehicle settings (Brake regen, locks, brightness, etc.)

Improved Navigation System with superchargers:

A common problem with long distance travel is that the auto routing to superchargers tend to leave a more conservative amount of battery. It would be very useful to have customizability integrated in the system. That way, drivers can potentially reach their destinations faster, mitigating driver fatigue, and reducing stigma behind buying an electric car (range anxiety). Currently, a solution exists on the following website:

Understandably, climate conditions and other various factors could reduce range, however I feel like drivers should be given more control as to how they plan their route and utilize their Tesla’s maximum potential as well as allowing drivers to take the risk if they so intend to.




